Tuesday 29 January 2013

Student led conferences are on February 6th from 2pm - 4:30pm.  Please email me, or write a message in your child's planner, if you are planning on attending.

I added a poll to the left hand side of the blog.  Please answer yes or no.

We have started reading Freckle Juice for Remarkable Readers.  Your child will bring their book home the night before to practice their part.  Tomorrow we are reading pages 16-19.

Thank you to those of you who attended Family Reading night last night.  By the sounds of it, the kids really enjoyed it!


  1. mrdowler im at home but im not sick and i watched james and the giant peach it was awesome.

  2. Hi Daniel,

    We missed you today in class. I am glad you were still able to watch James and the Giant Peach. Did you notice any differences between the book and the movie?

    Mr. Dowler
