An Inquiry based nutrition project created by grade 4/5 students at Hammond Elementary using Inspirations software
Why should we eat nutritious foods?
To stimulate our Brain and enhance our thinking
To be smart
To develop muscles and stay strong
To keep bones strong
To be able to exercise and play sports more/longer
To not get sick/ill
To maintain our health – keep healthy
To stay active and be energetic so we can do fun things
To feel good
To keep a healthy heart and keep blood flowing around our
So we don’t become overweight
To avoid diseases
To get important vitamins from food – Vitamin C, D, E, A,
B6, K, B2
To kill bad cholesterol
To make our bodies grow tall
Why should we avoid junk food?
So you don’t get rotten teeth/cavities from sugary foods
So you don’t get diabetes
So you don’t gain weight
So you’re sugar levels don’t peak and crash
Links to help us answer, "why we need to eat healthy foods links?"
Healthy eating for kids
Why healthy lunches are important
Surprising facts
Healthy snack ideas
More healthy snack ideas
Some examples of our completed Nutrition projects
An audio reflection...